It all started in the DC area by Amanda Marshall and her family as they felt an urge to help those most affected by the COVID-19 crisis. But they weren’t quite sure what they could do.
It then occurred to them: with the pandemic taking a huge economic toll, and social-distancing protocols making it tough for many people to get to the store, the Marshalls decided they could buy groceries and bring them to households in need.
About a month on, that idea grew into a new effort, called Families4Families (F4F), which has so far rallied over 500 donors. Every week, dozens of people shop or financially support bags full of essentials. From there, volunteers deliver the groceries directly to families who are struggling. Many of the recipients are unemployed because of the pandemic. Most live in parts of the city that don’t have easy access to fresh groceries, and would otherwise have to risk taking public transportation to get to a store.
Marshall says friends and contacts throughout the country have asked how to replicate the model in their own communities. So far, Families4Families chapters have launched in six other cities.
On May 19, 2020, F4F Hampton Roads was launched by Marshall’s cousin, Brigette Magee Clifford, the Director of Strategic Initiatives for Operation Smile’s Student Programs. Our charity became their co-partner and together we hit the ground running! With the help of area churches, community activists, school social workers and generous donors, we have served 20 families every week.
During the Summer of 2020, Families4Families provided groceries that equated to 20,000 meals. We have continued to provide grocery bundles through this program on a case-by-case basis through grants with National and State Partners, like the Virginia Department of Health.
Last year, we averaged 25 families a month; which equated to 25,200 nutritional meals for hungry families in Southside Hampton Roads. We are continuing this program with the help of our community.
The following are the ways to continue to support Families4Families Hampton Roads:
Request Assistance - If your family would like to apply to receive a grocery bundle or if you know of a family in need of a grocery bundle please complete the request form below. Please note, if your family qualifies now, you can reapply in 12 months and are selected on a case by case basis.
Volunteer - If you would like to get involved by volunteering to shop and/or deliver meals in the future, please contact ann@aidnow.org
Donate - If you would like to sponsor groceries for a family, you can donate $125 using the button below. When submitting your donation please specify F4F in the notes of your donation.
'Aid Now' nonprofit helping military families buy groceries // Video from WTKR News Channel 3 by Beverly Kidd